That's it. 18 pictures more and you have the front side. Kafka's house does not exist. DO NOT PAY 10 EURO FOR TICKETS. BETTER BUY ABSINTH IN ORDER TO FORGET THE COLD.

...and at last you reach that big church that you have to shoot at least 18 pictures in order to merge them down to have a single wide angle picture that can fit in.

...the signs lead you to...wherever...

...walk across the bridge of snowmen...

and you reach the cursed river of the evil icy geese... (geese other side---->) (can't see here)

...open the door...

...climb the stairs...

...just follow the signs, they lead you away from the warmth, north...

...be careful of the cars, they are dangerous even when they're parked...

...turn to the corner of the rusty half man with the curved mustache and the belly-button hat...

...you have to pass roads leaving behind the warm magic room...

You open the magic door and you have to leave the warm world of your hotel...
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